

Built By: Vickers (Barrow)
Build Group: C
Fate: October 1918 - Sank off Immingham after collision with HM destroyer

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In October 1918 submarine C12 was manoeuvring in the harbour when there was a failure of the Main Motors. Before control could be regained the submarine was driven against a Destroyer alongside the Eastern Jetty and the submarine was holed. As the submarine began to sink the First Lieutenant sent 'all hands on deck' whilst he remained below.

Just before the submarine sank completely the Commanding Officer joined the First Lieutenant in the Control Room having shut the Conning Tower hatch on the way down. Having established the condition of the submarine both officers made an escape through the Conning Tower. The submarine was later raised, refitted and returned to Service.

There were no casualties.


27-11-1906 : Laid Down
09-09-1907 : Launched
19-01-1908 : Completed


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