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Unique (N 95)

Built By: Vickers (Barrow)
Build Group: U1
Fate: Returned to the UK for refit. On completion did a short period in UK waters before returning to the Mediterranean.

On 10th October 1942 Submarine HMS Unique was on passage from UK to Gibraltar and had been ordered to conduct a patrol off North Spain on the way to intercept any possible 'blockade runners'.

Submarine HMS Ursula which had similar orders heard sounds of explosions whilst crossing the Bay of Biscay and assumed that Submarine HMS Unique was being attacked. No claim for an attack was made but it was assumed that the Submarine was lost with all hands after the attack.

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Ex P36

1941: 10th Flotilla - Malta


By Dr Peter Schofield

HMS Unique was adopted by Pontefract but lost in October 1942; HMS Upstart was then adopted

Good Morning, Tuesday 14 August 1945:
Warship Week Plaque
Warship Week Plaque
Seven members of the crew of Upstart recently spent a weekend at Pontefract, the guests of Upstarts Comforts Fund Committee. The visitors were Sub-Lt. Turbett, P.O. Best, A.B. Francis, A.B. Stoker. Leading Stoker Walker, A.B. Webb and Signalman Long. They were met on Friday afternoon by members of the committee including the chairman, Mrs. F. Pybus, and the secretary, Miss E. Waddington; and they were entertained to tea. Later in the day, they were accompanied by members of the committee to a Civic Reception and Dinner at which the Mayor of Pontefract presided. The following day, Upstart visited Dunhill’s Liquorice Works, and as a memento of his visit, each man received a box of sweets from the management. These came in handy in the afternoon when they visited Pontefract race meeting, and their day ended with a visit to the home of Mrs. Pybus for tea. At trip to Pontefract Castle occupied the Sunday morning, and after lunch in the town, Upstart received a grand send off from the Mayor and members of the Comforts Fund. It was a weekend which they will remember.

Roll of Honour

Died: 10-10-1942
Adlard, Gwynne Addison 
Lieutenant Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 21
Amos, Kenneth Douglas  C/JX 147961
Able Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 22
Bartley, Andrew  D/KX 81278
Leading Stoker Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 30
Boddington, Robert Evelyn  MID
Lieutenant Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 26
Commanding Officer
Bond, Raymond Walter John  DSM P/JX 137669
Yeoman of Signals Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 26
Booth, George Edward  C/KX 97214
Stoker 1st Class Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 22
Bowlt, Benjamin  C/TD/X 1603
Able Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 25
Breen, William  (RNVR) P/CD/X 2536
Able Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 26
Bryson, Andrew Birridge  C/KX 129491
Stoker 1st Class Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 30
Burgess, John William  D/JX 304613
Ordinary Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 19
Chapman, Clifford  DSM P/KX 79256
Petty Officer Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 33
Collins, Leopold Albert Edward  D/J 102084
Petty Officer Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 37
Denne, Albert Edward John  MID D/KX 98707
Leading Stoker Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 44
Edgar, Stanley Martin  D/SKX 315
Stoker 1st Class Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 19
Fennell, Albert Ernest  D/J 109248
Petty Officer Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 35
Fitall, Sydney Charlie Frank  P/SSX 21488
Petty Officer Telegraphist Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 26
Frith, Geoffrey George Wesson  C/SSX 31461
Telegraphist Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 21
Frith, Ronald  C/MX 51674
Chief Engine Room Artificer Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 31
Garner, Cecil Edward  C/MX 72050
Engine Room Artificer 4th Class Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 23
Holland, George Henry  P/SSX 28337
Able Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 22
Martin, Anthony Howard 
Lieutenant Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 21
Meade, Jack Barker  C/JX 189345
Able Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 23
Morten, Maurice Furness  C/JX 203146
Able Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 22
Moss, Edward  P/KX 83224
Leading Stoker Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 27
Niel, Stanley Munro  C/JX 162242
Able Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 19
Reed, Charles Ian 
Sub Lieutenant Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 20
Riley, Leslie John  C/JX 144677
Leading Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 23
Thewlis, Norman  MID D/JX 201123
Able Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 31
Tuck, Allen Royson  D/J 98271
Chief Petty Officer Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 38
Turnbull, Roy Frederick Howard  P/JX 141679
Leading Telegraphist Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 23
Venn, Leonard Jack  D/JX 137882
Telegraphist Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 25
Waterhouse, George Albert  D/MX 74895
Engine Room Artificer 5th Class Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 20
Woodman, Edward John Humphrey  C/SSX 26124
Able Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 21
Worland, Arthur George  C/JX 301424
Ordinary Seaman Died: 10-10-1942 Aged: 19


30-10-1939 Laid Down
06-06-1940 Launched
27-09-1940 Completed
23-12-1940 Arrived Gibraltar, she was the first U class boat to attack shipping in the Med, albeit unsuccessful.
18-02-1941 Arrived Malta, commanded by Lt. A.F. Collett.
10-03-1941 HMS Unique torpedoes and sinks the Italian passenger/cargo ship Fenicia about 95 nautical miles north-west of Tripoli, Libya.
03-06-1941 HMS Unique torpedoes and damages (total loss) the Italian cargo ship Arsia at Lampedusa harbour.
20-08-1941 HMS Unique torpedoes and sinks the Italian troop tansport Esperia 11 nautical miles off the Tripoli lighthouse, Libya.

Consequently attacked by aircraft and damaged resulting in her return to Malta.
05-01-1942 HMS Unique attacks the Italian battleship Littorio with torpedoes in the Gulf of Taranto but miss the target.
24-10-1942 Lost cause unknown to the west of Gibraltar
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Unbeaten (N 93) Urchin (N 97) / Sokół (Dutch)