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Roll Of Honour

Surnames containing "Lee"

Name Boat Rank Number Hons Age
Gleeson, Martin L10Leading Seaman  202170    35
Lee, Albert Edward Hutchings Utmost (N19)Petty Officer  C/JX 136973    26
Lee, Arthur Porpoise (N14)Engine Room Artificer 4th Class  P/MX 78168    24
Lee, Arthur Stephen Kingston P311Chief Petty Officer  P/J 113433  DSM  33
Lee, Arthur Swinnerton E50Engine Room Artificer  EA 1571    26
Lee, Cyril Thomas George Sickle (P224)Leading Cook  P/MX 109654    31
Lee, Eneas B2Able Seaman  J 1456    21
At birth Lee, Aeneas Served as Lee, Eneas. RN DoB 06/05/1891. Actual 06/05/1892
Lee, George Stratagem (P234)Petty Officer  P/JX 145964    24
Lee, James Augustus Thunderbolt (N25)Petty Officer  D/JX 143469    23
Lee, John Edwin Thames (N71)Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class  D/MX 49596    35
Lee, Peter Lauriston Charles Melville Odin (N84)Sub Lieutenant      21
Lee, Philip Stanley Seahorse (S98)Stoker Petty Officer  D/KX 79096    34
Lee, Richard Denis Regent (N41)Leading Seaman  C/JX 208263    22
Lee, William Thomas Swordfish (N61)Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class  D/MX 45635  MID  29
Leech, Arthur James Regulus (N88)Leading Seaman  D/JX 126602    30
Leech, Henry Regent (N41)Stoker Petty Officer  D/KX 80895    30
Leeder, Edward Barber K4Able Seaman  SS 5311    21
RN DoB 28/02/1896. Actual 28/02/1897
Leeke, Ronald William Urge (N17)Leading Signalman  C/JX 154364    20
Extra personnel carried as O/P (On Passage)
Lees, Harry Tigris (N63)Engine Room Artificer 4th Class  C/MX 92123  MID  23
Lees, Norman Charles Edwin Affray (P421)Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class  P/MX 93541    25
Sleep, Ralph Bassett Trooper (N91)Petty Officer  D/JX 137048  DSM  26

Commonwealth War Graves Commission

A Tribute To Submariners

I have often looked for an opportunity of paying tribute to our submariners.

There is no branch of His Majesty's Forces which in this war has suffered the same proportion of total loss as our submarine service.

It is the most dangerous of all services.

That is perhaps the reason why the First Lord tells me that the entry into it is keenly sought by Officers and Men.

I feel sure the House would wish to testify its gratitude and admiration to our Submariners for their Skill - Courage and Devotion which has proved of inestimable value to the sustenance of our country.

Winston Churchill

We Will Remember Them

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