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Hebe 1882 - 1919

Built By: Vickers (Barrow)
Fate: Sold 1919

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Hebe - 1892
Hebe - 1892

Hebe converted to a depot ship in 1909.

She served with the Sixth Submarine Flotilla at the start of the war, following them to the Tyne from 1914 to 1916. She worked with the First Submarine Flotilla at Leith in 1916-17, and with the Third Submarine Flotilla in 1917-18


11-01-1890 Laid down
15-06-1892 Launched
09-10-1894 Completed
22-10-1919 Sold
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Hazard 1901 - 1918 Mercury 1878 - 1919