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On This Day - March 30

1912E7Laid Down
1912E8Laid Down
1941Rorqual (N74)HMS Rorqual torpedoes and sinks the Italian tanker Laura Corrado north-east off Capo Gallo, Sicily, Italy.
1942Urge (N17)A 3,000 ton Merchant Vessel was missed with a salvo of three torpedoes in position 40`04'N 13`07'E . After this missed torpedo attack Urge surfaced and attacked the ship by gunfire but had to withdraw to avoid damage from return fire.
1943Sahib (P212)HMS Sahib sinks the Italian sailing vessels Santa Maria Del Salvazione, San Vincenzo and Pier Della Vigne with gunfire off Milazzo, Sicily, Italy.
1943Tribune (N76)HMS Tribune unsuccesfully fires four torpedoes at the Italian merchant Benevento about 50 nautical miles north of Ustica, Italy
1943Virulent (P95)Laid Down
1944Uproar (P31)HMS Uproar fires four torpedoes against the German submarine U-466 off Toulon, southern France. All torpedoes miss.
1944U-223Destroyer Laforey was torpedoed and sunk by U-223 at the end of a 5 hour hunt. Last RN vessel to be sunk by a submarine in the Med.
1972Up SpiritsCanadian Navy - 'Up Spirits' piped for last time, followed by last issue of rum.

Admiral Edward Vernon (1684-1757), victor of the Battle of Porto Bello on 21 November 1739 initiated the issue of watered-down rum (one part run to two parts water) in a letter written at Port Royal, Jamaica, dated 30 August 1740. In it, he directed the daily allowance of one pint of rum per man to be mixed with a quart of water

The rum was to be mixed with water and issued from a 'scuttled butt' (a barrel with one end removed) kept for that purpose, and to be done upon deck, in the presence of the Lieutenant of the Watch, who is to see that no man is cheated of his proper allowance.

The rum was issued in two parts - the first part at the end of the Forenoon Watch before the mid-day meal and the second in the evening. Admiral Vernon was known as 'Old Grog' for a cloak he wore that was made of a taffeta material called Grogram. The rum issue soon came to be known as 'Grog' after Admiral Vernon. Grog Money was issued to men who did not draw their daily ration of rum.

The evening issue was stopped in 1824 and the ration of rum was reduced to an eight of a pint per man per day in 1850. The mixture of water to rum was reduced to one-to-one in 1937. Officers were not entitled to the daily rum issue.

In the RCN at sea, the Coxswain, Supply Officer, and Victualling Storesman would draw the day's ration for the ship's company from the Spirit Room at 1100. In port, the Officer of the Day would attend the issue instead of the Supply Officer.

The rum was 160 Proof (80% alcohol), which was twice the strength normally available for purchase in Canada.

Afternoon Watchmen would be piped for 'Up Spirits' at 11:30 and the issue was made in a convenient location, often dictated by the weather. Enlisted men had the choice of drinking their rum 'neaters' on the spot or mixing it with water or soda and drinking it elsewhere. Chiefs and Petty Officers were given more latitude about how and where to drink their rum. All others who were not afternoon watchmen were piped to 'Up Spirits' at 12:00.

Members who did not show up for their rum ration had their rum placed in an 'Ullage Jar', which was kept in the Wardroom Store. It was saved for 'special issues' after strenuous duty, such as boat work in harsh weather

LossesSubmarine Badges