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1940: Archimede Class

The Archimede class were a group of submarines built for the Italian Navy in the early 1930s. The boats fought in the Spanish Civil War (under nationalist flag) and in World War II. Under Spanish colors, these boats were known as the General Mola class, and remained in service until 1959.

Galileo Galilei (X2) at Aden after her capture showing the damage to her fin
Galileo Galilei (X2) at Aden after her capture showing the damage to her fin

The ships were designed by the firm Cavallini and were a partially double hulled design. They were an enlarged version of the Settembrini class submarine with ballast tanks rearranged, greater range, fuel and torpedo capacity for ocean service. All ships were built by the shipyard of Franco Tosi at Taranto, between 1930 and 1934.



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1936 - 1958: U Class1940 - 1946: The 9th Foltilla