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E 22 (I 79)

Built By: Vickers (Barrow)
Build Group: E3
Fate: Torpedoed and sunk by U18 in the North Sea on 25th April 1916. Two members of the crew picked up and landed at Zeebrugge.

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8th Flotilla - Harwich.

E22 carried two Sopwith Schneider seaplane scouts on her casing. The boat would then submerge in calm waters and the planes would float on the surface. They would then take off and then return to the East coast of England in Felixstowe. The trials were not repeated

On Tuesday 25th April 1916 E22 was on patrol in the North Sea. The submarine was hit and badly damaged by a single torpedo. This had been fired from the German U-Boat UB-18 (Lieutenant Commander Otto Steinbrink). E24 sank immediately.

There were two survivors out of the crew of thirty-three. The survivors were: Sig William Thomas George Harrod J10833 (who was the lookout) and ERA Frederick Samuel Buckingham M3549 who had gone onto the bridge to examine the air whistle just before the torpedo hit. Finding himself in the water he attempted (unsuccessfully) to assist Stoker 1st Class Patrick Flynn. He then assisted (also unsuccessfully) Lieutenant Carles.

Thomas Harrod and Frederick Buckingham were rescued by UB-18 and became a Prisoners of War for the duration in the Prison Camp at Dulmen in Westphalia.

Roll of Honour

Died: 25-04-1906
Bacon, Harry Sabin  238739
Leading Seaman Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 24
Bewers, William John Cornelius  280241
Chief Stoker Born: 15-05-1876 Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 29
RN DoB 15/05/1877
Brewer, James William  K 16024
Stoker 1st Class Born: 23-06-1896 Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 9
RN DoB 23/06/1894
Carles, Alan James 
Lieutenant Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 22
Carter, Fred  M 7328
Engine Room Artificer 4th Class Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 27
Collier, Edward Des Forges  (RNR)
Lieutenant Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 23
Dadford, Charles Herbert  K 8711
Stoker 1st Class Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 23
Dimsdale, Reginald Thomas 
Lieutenant Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 30
Commanding Officer
Dumelow, William Henry  K 7807
Stoker 1st Class Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 27
Dwyer, Michael James  K 22241
Stoker 1st Class Born: 08-01-1893 Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 13
RN DoB 08/01/1893. Actual 08/01/1892. At birth Dwyer, James Served as Dwyer, James.
Elliott, Wilfred  270779
Chief Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class Born: 11-08-1881 Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 24
RN DoB 11/08/1880
Flynn, Patrick  K 21302
Stoker 1st Class Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 23
Frost, Charles Albert  183901
Petty Officer Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 36
Hayward, George John  K16817
Stoker 1st Class Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 22
Hazelton, Harold  J 38792
Boy Telegraphist Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 17
Hingston, Richard Henry Basset  K 11199
Stoker 1st Class Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 29
Hood, Charles Robert  J 406
Able Seaman Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 23
Hoskin, John Cleave  300765
Stoker Petty Officer Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 35
Hunt, Ernest William  193302
Petty Officer Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 34
Jecock, George Webster  J 6004
Able Seaman Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 23
Jelf, Ernest Samuel  224881
Leading Seaman Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 29
Norton, Harold Frank  239583
Able Seaman Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 24
Organ, Frederick John  M 1694
Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 29
Puckhaber, Herbert Albert Victor  DSM 233222
Petty Officer Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 28
Rayer, Arthur  K 4046
Leading Stoker Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 24
Regan, Edward Felix Owen  J 7543
Able Seaman Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 22
Rook, William  K 7179
Leading Stoker Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 27
Skinner, William Henry  K 3851
Leading Stoker Born: 30-01-1893 Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 13
RN DoB 01/07/1891
Skoyles, Henry Thomas  239694
Able Seaman Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 24
Trebble, John  SS 3243
Able Seaman Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 25
Woodland, William Robert  M 321
Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class Died: 25-04-1906 Aged: 30


25-11-1914 Laid Down
27-08-1915 Launched
08-11-1915 Completed
24-04-1916 E22 was involved in experiments in the North Sea to intercept Zeppelins
25-04-1916 HMS E22 was on surface passage in the North Sea. At just after 1150 a torpedo fired from the German submarine UB18 struck the vessel sending her immediately to the bottom.

Of the crew of 33 only two survived having been picked up by U18 and taken as Prisoners of War. ERA F S Buckingham and Signalman W T Harrod.
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E 21 (I 70) E 23