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E 34

Built By: Thornycroft (Southampton)
Build Group: E3ML
Fate: Believed mined on 20th July 1918.

Whilst returning from her twenty-fourth minelaying operation off Vlieland, she probably strayed into a minefield laid in that area by E51 some time earlier.

She was the last E boat to be lost in WWI.

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E 34
E 34
E 34
E 34
The officers and men of HMS E34
The officers and men of HMS E34

8th Flotilla. HMS Maidstone, Harwich.

Sank UB-16 about May 1918.

Roll of Honour

Died: 20-07-1918
Aldridge, Newman William  J 1558
Able Seaman Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 25
Allen, John  M 15316
Engine Room Artificer 4th Class Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 24
Amoore, Charles John Newnham  J 21492
Leading Telegraphist Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 20
Atkinson, George  DSM J 14020
Leading Seaman Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 23
Baker, Alfred Edward  K 18233
Leading Stoker Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 24
Baldwin, Christopher Oliver  K 14537
Stoker 1st Class Born: 12-09-1894 Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 23
RN DoB 12/09/1893
Bignell, William Henry  J 44209
Telegraphist Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 18
CWGC has 144209 and not the correct J 44209
Cooke, Charles Harold  (RNVR) Z 10637
Ordinary Seaman Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 19
Dixon, George Russell  M 19343
Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 28
Edwards, Benjamin Cogan  238694
Leading Seaman Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 27
Ellis, Charles Edward  DSM 220405
Petty Officer Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 33
Fortnum, William  295188
Stoker Petty Officer Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 37
Hanson, John William  K 25244
Stoker 1st Class Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 24
Heale, George  K 21877
Stoker 1st Class Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 25
Holmes, John William  J 10315
Petty Officer Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 24
Kemp, William George  K 16280
Stoker 1st Class Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 24
Lillie, William Philip  DSC
Lieutenant Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 22
Murray, Arthur Logan  M 25535
Engine Room Artificer 4th Class Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 34
Norman, William Thomas  221480
Able Seaman Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 31
Painting, James William Kircaldy  K 18622
Leading Stoker Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 28
Pankhurst, Arthur Richard  212340
Leading Seaman Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 33
Pulleyne, Richard Ivor  DSO*
Lieutenant Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 29
Commanding Officer
Richens, Percy Baron  MID 237049
Signalman Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 27
Sargent, James Alfred  K 18222
Stoker 1st Class Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 26
Scott, Frederick Charles  J 19816
Able Seaman Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 22
Smith, Herbert James  J 11913
Petty Officer Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 22
Smith, John  K 23820
Leading Stoker Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 22
Tanner, George Richard  DSM* 196486
Petty Officer Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 37
Tatham, Alan  (RNR) DSM EA 1061
Chief Engine Room Artificer Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 34
Tofts, Charles James  K 12084
Leading Stoker Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 25
Wynne, Hugh Donald  (RNR) DSC
Lieutenant Died: 20-07-1918 Aged: 28
CWGC has Wynne, Hugh Tom Donald Served as Wynne, Hugh Donald


27-01-1917 Launched
01-03-1917 Completed
20-07-1918 Lost with all hands. The submarine had sailed from Harwich on the morning of 14th July 1918 with orders to lay a minefield off Vlieland and was reported lost on the 20th July 1918. No reason has been discovered for her loss, but it is possible that she was mined. There were no survivors.
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E 33 E 35