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Sturgeon (N 73) / Zeehond (Dutch)

Built By: Chatham Dockyard (Medway)
Build Group: S1
Fate: After being returned to Britain she was broken up in 1947 at Granton.

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1932-1933: Portsmouth
1933-1935: Portland.
1935-1939: HMS Forth, Dundee
1939-1943: 6th Flotilla. HMS Titania, Blyth.

Sturgeon launched at Chatham (1932)

Sank the transport Ponier in September 1940.

HMS Sturgeon was transferred to the Dutch and recommisoned as HNLMS Zeehond

She was the only one from the first Group S Class to survive the war.

Related Pages
1940 - 1946: The 9th Foltilla

RN Submarine Database

Roll of Honour

Died: 16-11-1939
Penny, WIlliam Frederick Alexander  C/JX131595
Leading Signalman Died: 16-11-1939 Aged: 27


01-01-1931 Laid Down
08-01-1932 Launched
27-02-1933 Completed
20-11-1939 Sank the anti-submarine trawler Gauleiter Telshow,

This was the first British submarine success of WWII.
11-10-1943 Recommissioned as HNLMS Zeehond, under command of Donald Theodoor Mackay
14-09-1945 Decommissioned and returned to Royal Navy,
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