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Cheese Ush

Line G.M dish with silver foil coat with oil and heat.

Mix grated mousetrap, eggs, milk, peppers, arries all together and pour into hot dish.

Place in oven and cook until golden brown and the mixture is set.

The above ingredients can be varied according to taste. I e; mushrooms, onions, also this recipe is a quickie for those unexpected short notice runs ashore because it requires no clacker (pastry) production.

Submitted by: Radar



Made my day, asked a modern day RN Chef and other x RNers
for a cheese Ush recipe only to be greeted with blank looks. Don't feed em like they did in my day. Just one question I take it arries are a tiffs word for taties? How much is needed?
   Malcolm Wheeler Thu, 7 Sep 2017
Arries = Arigonies = Tinned Tomatoes - derived from the name of the main supplier, and also the nickname of one of the coxswains on S/M Andrew ("Arris - I think) whose propensity for serving arries as a green veggie was well known.
   Doug (Flash) Craig Thu, 26 Oct 2017
Arries, Arrigonis = tinned plum tomatoes, loverly.
   Jim Currie Tue, 25 Feb 2020
Favourite dish in the mail galley in “Drake” when I was in the RM Band in 1961.
Generally the scran was pretty dire, but the Cheese Ush was the exception.

   Mike Tellick Mon, 27 Jul 2020

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