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Boat Development

NATO Ships Inertial Navigation System (SINS) Read

This article covers the background, development and main technical points of the NATO Ships Inertial Navigation System (NATO SINS). This uses new technology in the form of the Ring Laser Gyro (RLG) to make a major reduction through-life cost and size/weight, compared to current equipment

Navigation and Data Transmission Read

In the immediate post-war period, ships were fitted with basic gyro compasses (typically AP5005) plus a transmitting magnetic or gyro-magnetic compass (ATMC5/AGMC6) for emergencies. Vertical attitude reference data came from wholly separate stabilisers (Gyro Stabiliser Type 1-12). Radio navaids were limited to the early Decca sets (QM10) and MF DF (FM12), with widespread use of astro navigation (by hand-held sextant), plus a 1930's vintage ARL table.

The History Of British Submarine Command Systems Read

There has always been a symbiotic relationship between the submarine commanding officer, the submarine's sensors and whatever command aids were available. The harder and more often the three worked together the better was the attack solution provided.

The History Of British Submarine Sonars Read

Titanic. The name of this famous ship (or infamous, depending on the way you look at history) reverberates throughout the century since she sank in 1912. Her sinking was the instigator of many changes, developments and innovations not least the genesis of the US Coast Guard and SOLAS. Among the innovations of how to detect obstructions at sea, like an iceberg, was one conceived by a Canadian born radio engineer, Reginald Fessenden working as a consultant to the Submarine Signal Company to enhance their system of underwater bells for shore-based stations, buoys, and light ships and for sound detection on ships.

ASDIC Equipment Installation In Early Royal Navy Submarines Read

The first Royal Navy Submarine to be fitted with an ASDIC Installation was, Barrow built Submarine H32 which acted as a test bed for an ASDIC Equipment based on a system fitted in Surface ships.

The History Of The Submarine Attack Teacher Read

From the inception of the Submarine Service in 1901 all the way through to the early years of WW1 the standard method of teaching embryonic submarine commanding officers, and maintaining commanding officers' skill levels, was for submarines to practice attacking surface ships at sea. This was costly in terms of ships, submarines, manpower and, of course, fuel - coal first then oil. The expansion of the Submarine Service with the war increased the demand for the services. At the same time, however, boats were away on patrol and time between patrols was necessary for maintenance. Moreover, there were very few German ships at sea and so commanding officers were not getting the practice they needed in their attacking skills. The resolution was an attack teacher

The History Of The British Submarine Periscope Read

Today the submarine commanding officer no longer uses his eye at the periscope. But if the traditions of the Submarine Service endure that does not mean to say that the qualities that coalesce into the attribute of 'periscope eye' will in any way be diminished

Periscopes Read

The orders 'Up periscope' and 'Down periscope' are, for most of us, completely tied in with our notion of submarines. These are phrases that we've heard countless times in submarine movies, in which there's usually a dramatic scene of a submarine captain hanging onto the handles of a periscope, looking out at the enemy above the water. Standing watch at the periscope like this is called

Submarine Camouflage Schemes Read

During WWII, the standard camouflage scheme for British Submarines operating in the Mediterranean was light and dark green and some were even painted pink. Submarines operating in the Gulf waters have displayed a khaki colour.

The Man Who Invented The Submarine Read

He was a trailblazer for what would become known as the American Century: Isaac Rice was a law professor, magazine publisher, industrial entrepreneur and a hell of a salesman and exactly 100 years ago he sailed to England and pulled off another big deal. He sold the Royal Navy its first submarine.

Steam Submarines Read

The gargantuan steam submarines were treated as a joke by the hardened veterans of the Submarine Service when they first appeared. But on the fateful afternoon of January 29th, 1917 the K boats suddenly developed a new and more sinister reputation. From that day onwards 'K' stood for Killer. And by apt coincidence the drama featured No 13.

Origins Of The Amphion Class Submarine Read

In my retirement years I have written about technical and other matters involving submarines, but didn't pursue until recently, any particular inquiry into why the Royal Navy 'A' class submarine was designed and ordered in 1942 when it seemed unlikely any would be completed before WW2 in Europe was over (1945) and even if a few had been commissioned, they would not have added value to the Royal Navy in Europe in the days after D-Day.

Midget Subs to plant Atomic Bombs in Russia Read

The Royal Navy planned to build midget submarines capable of planting a nuclear weapon inside Russian harbours, documents newly released at the Public record Office have revealed. Designs were drawn up for the so-called X-craft, which was a development on similar devices that had been used in the 1939-1945 War on missions, including the crippling of the German battleship, Tirpitz.

Snorting in the Royal Navy, 1945 onwards Read

In the closing months of the war when US Navy and Royal Navy submarines no longer had a critical role to play in the final defeat of Japan

Snorkel in the US Navy - 1945 onwards Read

Attached as appendices is a complete description of the US Navy Fleet Submarine snorkel system and operation

Diesel Submarines 1948 - 1958 Read

The Diesel Submarines Of The Royal Navy Available To Engage In A Major War In The Period 1948 to 1958

HMS Scotsman - 1948 Trials and Experimental Submarine Read

The converted Scotsman appeared as I joined the Royal Navy and was in the background during my service in submarines but despite apparently crossing paths I do not recall seeing her in any of her guises. She had a reputation amongst electrical and engine room ratings because of her need for a companion charging submarine throughout her long service.

Trials with HM Submarine Seraph Read

In 1944 the Royal Navy succeeded in modifying one of its conventional submarines, Seraph, to match the performance of the radically new Type XXI fast boats that intelligence showed Germany was developing.1 If the enemy had succeeded in getting the Typ XXI to sea in large numbers, they would have revolutionised submarine warfare, and severely tested Allied anti-submarine defences.

T Class Conversion Read

This is a summary of the key points in BR1965 the Hand Book (Electrical propulsion Equipment) for the T Conversion Class and the First of Class Trials of the first conversion, HMS Taciturn

USN Guppy Submarine Conversions 1947-1954 Read

The Quest For Higher Submerged Speed & Greater Underwater Propulsion Power

The Five Streamlined T Class Submarines of the early 1950s Read

In 1950 FOS/M received approval to commence work on streamlining older riveted boats early in 1951. The first boat, HMS Tireless was taken in hand in at the end of 1951 and apparently completed in 1952 ready for trials. Followed by the Token, Tapir, Talent and Teredo.

Some Aspects of Modernising T Class Submarines Read

In May 1947, consideration was given to converting existing T Class or Amphion Class submarines to high underwater speed

Upholder/Victoria Class Propulsion Read

Electrical Propulsion of the RCN Victoria Class Diesel-Electric Submarine

The Silent Deep Read

A personal commentary by Peter D Hulme on the book 'The Silent Deep' written by Peter Hennesy and James Jinks . Confined mainly to the period before nuclear submarines came into service in the Royal Navy.

In Service U Boats & Other Navy's