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A 7 (I 17)

Built By: Vickers (Barrow)
Build Group: A2
Fate: 16/1/1914 - Sank in Whitsand Bay near Plymouth. Remains 135 feet down as a maritime grave

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A7 with experimental hydroplanes forward of the fin
A7 with experimental hydroplanes forward of the fin
A7 & A9 alongside depot ship
A7 & A9 alongside depot ship

Third Flotilla, HMS Forth, Plymouth

A7 was fitted with experimental hydroplanes on her conning tower. The boats of the Holland and A Class were fitted with one set of 'diving rudders' aft, as the operation of diving the boat was performed while she was stationary. As early submariners grew more experienced, they found that they could dive their craft while under way and that another set of 'diving rudders' was necessary. Conning tower hydroplanes were not a standard fitting in the A class

On 16/1/1914 A7 and four other submarines were undertaking dummy torpedo runs against gunboat HMS Pygmy and depot ship HMS Onyx. A7 dived to commence an attack and never resurfaced.

It took six days to locate A7 and three salvage attmpts were made to pull her clear of the mud. Her hull was damaged and further attempts were reluctantly abandoned. Nine crew members remain buried inside in wreck.

Roll of Honour

Died: 06-01-1914
Crowley, John Francis  210582
Petty Officer Died: 06-01-1914 Aged: 29
Naval History has Crowley Joseph F P.O. 353096
Dyer, Ernest Frederick  239725
Able Seaman Born: 26-06-1893 Died: 06-01-1914 Aged: 20
RN DoB 26/06/1891
Harris, Frank Charles  234433
Able Seaman Died: 06-01-1914 Aged: 25
Jewell, Frederick  238164
Able Seaman Died: 06-01-1914 Aged: 23
Morrison, Robert Herman Grant 
Sub Lieutenant Died: 06-01-1914 Aged: 22
Nagle, Robert William  270745
Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class Died: 06-01-1914 Aged: 34
Northam, John  304857
Leading Stoker Died: 06-01-1914 Aged: 31
Russell, Charles Edward James  233337
Able Seaman Born: 16-06-1888 Died: 06-01-1914 Aged: 25
RN DoB 16/06/1887
Venning, Richard  269321
Engine Room Artificer 1st Class Born: 16-04-1867 Died: 06-01-1914 Aged: 46
RN DoB 16/04/1870
Wagstaff, Lancelot  D/K 13882
Leading Stoker Born: 24-10-1888 Died: 06-01-1914 Aged: 25
RN DoB 24/10/1889
Welman, Gilbert Molesworth 
Lieutenant Died: 06-01-1914 Aged: 25
Commanding Officer


01-09-1903 Laid Down
21-01-1905 Launched
13-04-1905 Completed
16-01-1914 Whilst carrying out practice torpedo attacks against HM Ships Onyx and Pigmy, HMS A7 failed to surface having been seen to submerge by HMS Pigmy at 1110 The cause of her loss is not known and although her wreck was located on the 22nd of January bad weather prevented salvage.
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