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E 7 (I 87)

Built By: Chatham Dockyard (Medway)
Build Group: E2
Fate: On 4th September 1915 Submarine E7 was attempting a passage through the Dardanelles into the Sea of Marmora when the starboard propeller became entangled in the anti-submarine nets at Nagara.

Despite all efforts the submarine was unable to break free and to avoid being depth charged to destruction the Commanding Officer surfaced the submarine to abandon ship and then scuttled the submarine.

All of the crew survived and were made Prisoners of War. However four of the crew died in captivity.

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Supported the British surface fleet at the 'Battle of Helgoland'. Carried out two patrols in the Marmara.

On 4th Sep 1915 Submarine E7 (Lieutenant Commander the Hon. Sir Archibald Douglas Cochrane) was attempting a passage through the Dardanelles into the Sea of Marmora for a second patrol when the starboard propeller became entangled in the anti-submarine nets at Nagara.

The commotion on the surface caused by Cochrane's manoeuvring of his submarine did not go unnoticed. A spectator of events was Oberleutnant zur See Heino von Heimburg, commanding officer of a German U-boat under repair at Chanak. Heimburg himself visited the spot in a small skiff (rowed by his cook) and lowered a small explosive charge over the side. When he made contact with what he hoped was a submarine, he fired the charge and was rewarded with the sight of E7 coming to the surface.

Cochrane and his crew became prisoners of war (although Cochrane escaped in 1918) and Heimburg dined out on the story for the rest of his life.

At the time of her loss the crew was made up of the following personnel:



Of the above Ratings there were two Australians (Gwynne & Wilson) who had recently returned from Australia in Submarine AE2. They left AE2 in April 1915 before that Submarine was lost in the Sea of Marmara on 30th April 1915 but now joined their former crew mates in captivity.

ERA Asher Coates was a native of Barrow in Furness and the following appeared in the Barrow News of Saturday 18th September 1915:

Aboard The E7. Barrow Articifer Belonging To Lost Submarine Presumably A Prisoner Last Heard Of In Malta

Barrow is again compelled to take an especial interest in the fate of Submarine E7, which, according to an enemy claim, has been sunk off the Dardanelles, and officers and crew made prisoners. Mr. Asher Coates, of 92 West View Road, has been on this particular craft as an Engine Room Artificer for some time, and presumably he is among the men who have fallen into the hands of the enemy. September 4th was the last date on which the Admiralty had heard from the submarine; but some few days earlier she was at Malta, as is proved by a letter which Mrs. Coates received from her husband on Saturday last. It was dated August 29th, from Malta, and stated that they were about to leave that place. Only so recent as Monday last Lieut-Commander Cochrane was awarded the DSO. for services in the submarine in the Sea of Marmara, where he did great damage to enemy shipping, and after blocking the railway line at near Kava Burnu by bombarding it from the sea, shelled a troop train and blew up the ammunition cars attached to it.

In an earlier letter home, Mr. Coates was apparently aware that his 'skipper' had been singled out for some distinction of the kind, and he was of the opinion he fully deserved it.

Artificer Coates is a Barrovian entirely. His mother lives on the Promenade at Walney. He served his apprenticeship at Messrs. Vickers Limited, and when the firm built the Peruvian vessel Coronel Bolognel he offered himself for three years service in the Peruvian Navy. On returning to Barrow he resumed work at the Shipyard, and it was December last year before he could succeed in getting away from his work for submarine service. At first he was stationed at different naval depots and was associated with submarines of the D Class. After a period on HMS Adamant he was finally transferred to E7 in April.

Roll of Honour

Died: 12-08-1915
Levey, Frank Albert  J27223
Ordinary Signaller Died: 12-08-1915 Aged: 17
Died in RNH Malta Buried Pita military cemetery Malta.
Died: 12-02-1916
Reid, William  214966 (Po)
Able Seaman Died: 12-02-1916 Aged: 30
Died whilst a Prisoner of War in Turkey
Died: 30-09-1916
Coates, Asher  EA/1569
Engine Room Artificer Died: 30-09-1916 Aged: 31
Died whilst a Prisoner of War in Turkey
Died: 06-10-1916
Taylor, Edward Charles   DSM 283225
Chief Stoker Died: 06-10-1916 Aged: 38
Died whilst a Prisoner of War in Turkey


30-03-1912 Laid Down
02-10-1913 Launched
14-03-1914 Completed
04-09-1915 At 0700 HMS E7 dived to 100 feet in an attempt to break through the anti-submarine nets at Nagara Point in the Dardanelles. The attempt failed when the starboard propeller became entangled in the nets. All attempts to free the vessel failed and drew the attention of the Turkish craft in the area. After successive attacks E7 was forced to surface. Once the crew had been removed to safety, the vessel was scuttled.

Engine Room Artificer Asher Coates O/N RNR/EA/1969 was among those captured. Asher Coates died as a Prisoner of War on 30th September 1916. He had been born in Barrow in Furness and had worked in the Vickers Shipyard. He was buried in the Hadjikiri Cemetery and is commemorated on the Baghdad North Gate Memorial (Memorial 11)
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E 6 (I 86) E 8 (I 88)