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E 12 (I 92)

Built By: Chatham Dockyard (Medway)
Build Group: E2
Fate: E12 survived the war but was sold for scrap on 7th March 1921 and was broken up in Malta.

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1914 - 8th Flotilla. HMS Maidstone, Harwich.
1915 - Dardanelles Flotilla. Hindu Kush' at Mudros, Lemnos.

In October and November 1915, HMS E12 broke the patrol record when she was at sea for 40 days. During this patrol, she bombarded a powder factory near Constantinople, sank 4 steamers and 30 sailing ships. She set another record on her return trip through the Dardanelles when she had a lucky escape.

When trying to reach the Sea of Marmara she became entangled in nets, she broke free but a portion of the net had become entangled in forward hydroplanes. The boat took on a steep angle and was taken down to a depth of 245 feet, deeper than any British boat had ever been before.

As well as the conning tower flooding the pressure hull began leaking, after a short time at this depth she rose to the surface rapidly and on breaking surface was fired upon by the shore batteries.

She managed to escape without sustaining any more damage. By the time she returned to Malta, she had sailed 2000 miles, the longest patrol yet achieved by a Royal Navy submarine.


16-12-1912 Laid Down
05-09-1914 Launched by Miss Anson
14-10-1914 Completed
06-02-1915 Left Harwich for a patrol off the western Ems, but poor weather made her end her patrol early.
17-04-1915 Returning to Harwich from another patrol when she was bombed by enemy aircraft but escaped without damage or casualties.
25-06-1915 E12 she sighted a passenger steamer towing two sailing ships. Lt Cdr Bruce took E12 alongside. He sent Lt T Fox to board her. One of the Turkish crew dropped a bomb over the side which hit the casing but failed to explode. The Turks then started firing with rifles.

E12 used her gun to fire on the after end of the steamer, then put ten rounds into her from forward to aft. The two sailing ships tried to foul E12's propellers and opened fire with rifles. E12's crew fired back and stopped the attack from the sailing ships. Lt Cdr Bruce moved away from the ships them sank all three of them.

E12 immediately attacked another steamer towing three sailing ships. The steamer fired back and a shore battery opened fire on E12. The steamer was hit, caught fire and later beached herself. During these actions, only one man on E12 was injured.

Lt T Fox, the Coxswain and three seaman all received the DSM.
25-09-1916 Able Seaman John Flynn O/N 199688 (Dev) was a member of the crew of Submarine E12 and served at the Dardanelles. He was accidentally drowned in Mudros Harbour and was buried in the East Mudros Military Cemetery on the island of Lemnos in Grave III.F.184.
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E 11 (I 91) E 13 (I 93)