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On This Day - January 22

1916 V 3 Completed
1916 G 3 (I A5) Launched
1917 L 11 Laid Down
1943 Varne (P 66) / Ula (Norwegian) Launched
1944 Terrapin (P 323) Completed
1945 Stygian (P 249) HMS Stygian sinks three Japanese sailing vessels with gunfire south of the Malakka Strait.
1945 Spirit (P 245) HMS Spirit sinks the Japanese Ryushin Maru with gunfire in the Java Sea. She also sinks another enemy vessel.
1945 Thrasher (N 37) HMS Thrasher sinks four Japanese sailing vessels with gunfire of the west coast of Siam.
1945 Rorqual (N 74) HMS Rorqual lays 50 mines (minefield ML 026) off the Ritchies Archipelago to the east of Andaman Island.
1946 Anchorite (P 422) Launched
1962 Valiant (S 102) Laid Down

Losses Submarine Badges