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On This Day - January 27

1917 E 34 Launched
1917 E 51 Completed
1942 USS Gudgeon USS Gudgeon (SS-211) became 1st US Navy sub to sink enemy submarine in WWII
1944 Templar (P 316) The Japanese light cruiser Kitakami was torpedoed and damaged by two torpedoes from HMS Templar in the Malacca Strait south west off Penang.
1944 Subtle (P 251) Launched
1944 P 556 Damaged by a battery explosion
1945 Shalimar (P 242) HMS Shalimar sinks a Japanese vessel with gunfire south of the Malakka Strait.
1945 Thrasher (N 37) HMS Thrasher sinks three Japanese sailing vessels with gunfire of the west coast of Siam.
2014 Talent (S 92) HMS Talent arrived in Plymouth after a five-month deployment.

The submarine sailed from Devonport and the deployment began with a period of training and exercises in the Mediterranean aimed at generating the fighting capability of her crew, simulating attacks with the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile system and Spearfish torpedoes. This was followed by a stop in Gibraltar for routine maintenance.

The next port of call for HMS Talent was Souda Bay on Crete, before continuing to the Red Sea after exercising with Royal Navy aircraft and the Royal Navy frigate HMS Westminster.

The submarine visited the United Arab Emirates. HMS Talent then carried out operations for several weeks before spending Christmas and New Year in Bahrain.

The submarine will conduct a six-week maintenance period in Plymouth before conducting further training at sea.

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