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On This Day - January 3

1921 Pandora 1902 - 1939 Recommissioned
1940 Taku (N 38) Completed
1943 First Use Of Chariot A two-man submersible Chariot, based on a modified torpedo, succeeded in penetrating Palermo & sank the light cruiser Ulpio Traiano - the first such use of the device by the Royal Navy, which had copied it from the Italian Navy's Maiale that had been used to considerable effect against British shipping earlier in the war
1945 Shakespeare (P 221) HMS Shakespeare and the Japanese auxiliary minesweeper Wa 1 engage each other with gunfire off the Nancowry Strait, Nicobar Islands. Both ships are damaged in the engagement.
1945 Rorqual (N 74) HMS Rorqual lays 50 mines (minefield ML 022) off Phuket, Siam.
1945 Shakespeare (P 221) Damaged by Japanese gunfire and aircraft bombs off the Andaman Islands
1986 Triumph (S 93) Ordered from Vickers, Barrow

Losses Submarine Badges