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M 3

Built By: Armstrong Whitworth (Tyne)
Build Group: M
Fate: Sold for scrapping in February 1932.

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M 3
M 3
M3 while she still had her gun
M3 while she still had her gun

Started life as K20.

15th October 1926: Reserve.
1927-1928: Reconstuction at HM Dockyard, Chatham.
June-October 1928: Trials.
8th October 1928: Reserve.
1928-1930: Reserve-Portsmouth - Trials.
1930-1932: Reserve-Portsmouth.

In 1927 M2 and M3 had their large 12-inch guns removed in the late 1920s to conform with the Washington Disarmament Treaty, which stated that no submarine should have larger than 8-inch calibre guns.

M3 was converted to an experimental minelayer, stowing her 100 mines on rails inside a large free-flooding casing outside the hull. The mines were laid over her stern by means of a chain-conveyor belt. M3 was finally taken out of service in April 1932, and scrapped in 1933.


04-12-1916 Laid Down
19-10-1918 Launched
09-07-1920 Completed
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M 2 M 4