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Sanguine (P266)
Built By: | Cammell Laird (Mersey) |
Build Group: | S Group 3 |
In Association with the Barrow Submariners Association |
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Steam Submarines | Read |
The gargantuan steam submarines were treated as a joke by the hardened veterans of the Submarine Service when they first appeared. But on the fateful afternoon of January 29th, 1917 the K boats suddenly developed a new and more sinister reputation. From that day onwards 'K' stood for Killer. And by apt coincidence the drama featured No 13. |
The 'X' stood for experimental, but it might equally have meant extraordinary, exotic or extravagant, as this giant submarine attracted superlatives - the world's largest, most heavily armed, and deepest diving submersible of the day
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© I W Hillbeck 2024 | Hosted by Krystal |