Submission Guide
We welcome any content submissions for the site. Submission forms for some sections can be found by clicking the submission buttons on the following pages.
New artcles or other new content should be submitted by prior arrangement with the webmaster who can be contacted using the Contact Us form in the first instance. Further instructions on submitting your content will be provided.
Submission Guidelines
Ask yourself if the article you're submitting is really of interest to Submariners. This may seem like an obvious one, but we've had some strange submissions in the past.
- Articles should be detailed but not overly technical and/or full of jargon.
- If your article requires images, they should be your original artwork or scanned from a personal photo. Saved as .jpg, .png or .gif file format. No animations without prior agreement and no flash files.
- Plain text is the preferred format for submissions but if you wish to send us a Rich Text File (.rtf) or a MS Word document, that's okay too. Do Not Send HTML.
Please don't submit articles that have not been
- spell-checked
- checked for grammar
- checked for technical accuracy
Sorry, we do not pay for submissions.
The Submariners Association (Barrow Branch) or I W Hillbeck shall not be liable for the content or any copyright infringement by another party; before submitting content that is not original work, ensure you have legal permission to submit the material.
What Happens Then?
Your submission will be assessed by the webmaster and an acknowledgement sent to the reply address on your e-mail.
If suitable, your submission will be turned into additional pages and/or added to existing content. (You will be duly credited as the author or contributor)
With larger contributions you will be invited to review the content prior to it going live.
On approval the page will go-live and appear on the site. An announcement of the new content will feature on the home page and via our social media. An e-mail will be sent informing you of the go-live with a direct link to the content.