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On This Day - February 8

1905 A 10 (I 10) Launched
1917 K 14 Launched
1942 Unison (P 43) HMS Unison sinks the Italian sailing vessels Luigi Verni, Carlo P, and Angela with gunfire off Al Hammamat, Tunisia.
1943 Satyr (P 214) Completed
1943 X 10 (Excalibur) Completed
1944 Sportsman (P 229) HMS Sportsman torpedoed & sank the German POW Transport Petrella north of Suda Bay, Crete. 2,670 out of 3,173 Italian POWs where killed. German Guards did not open the POW rooms and fired at them while they tried to break out
1944 Sibyl (P 217) HMS Sibyl fires two torpedoes against the German tanker Centaur off Crete. Both torpedoes missed their target.
1944 Ultor (P 53) HMS Ultor fires 4 torpedoes against the German auxiliary minelayer Niedersachsen off St.Raphaël, southern France. All torpedoes missed.
1945 Spark (P 236) HMS Spark was attacked by an enemy escort which dropped 16 depth charges. Spark was not damaged.

Losses Submarine Badges