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Artemis (P 449)

Built By: Scotts (Clyde)
Build Group: Amphion
Fate: Sold for scrap in 1972 after sinking alongside at Dolphin trot 1.

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Diving depth at least 500 feet. Crew recall 525 feet during a test dive in 1950 off the West of Ireland.

In 1954 an unidentified stoker attempted sabotaging the sub by placing a signal grenade inside the engine.

In 1963, While on loan to Canada, Artemis caused major concern when she failed to surface in response to signals during maneuvers off New York. Canadian planes and ships started a frantic search, but Artemis surfaced safely an hour and a half later.

HMS Artemis sank alongside HMS Dolphin in 1971 owing to water entering through the after torpedo hatch which could not be shut because electrical shore supply cables had been passed through it. Three men were trapped onboard the submarine but managed to escape successfully through the Forward escape tower. A bad trim and poor precautions lead to the loss and many lessons were learnt. HMS Artemis never returned to service.

Artemis sank alongside HMS Dolphin in 1971
Artemis sank alongside HMS Dolphin in 1971


28-02-1944 Laid Down
26-08-1946 Launched
15-08-1947 Completed
21-01-1956 Was in collision with a motor trawler in the Channel off the Isle of Wight while on exercises. Artemis sustained no damage and carried on.
01-07-1971 Submarine Artemis founders whilst alongside at Dolphin

Comment by: john martin on December 20, 2017

Just uploaded 2 pic's of Artemis in 1964 prior to making film Voyage North. I was the signalman onboard at the time. Pic's given to all crew by the production who did the filming.

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