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E 36

Built By: John Brown and Co (Cylde)
Build Group: E3
Fate: E36 was lost with all hands in the North Sea, believed to have been hit, whilst dived, by E43 on Friday 19th January 1917.

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8th Flotilla. HMS Maidstone, Harwich.

Roll of Honour

Died: 19-01-1917
Alexander, Edwin James  J 12975
Able Seaman Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 21
Browne, Clement Charles Frederick  J 44913
Boy Telegraphist Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 16
16 Years and 9 months (Youngest Submariner to die on Active Duty)
Cheetham, Arthur Bateman  M 1219
Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 31
Coney, Herbert Henry  304521
Stoker Petty Officer Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 33
Doe, Frederick  K 15739
Stoker 1st Class Born: 20-04-1895 Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 21
RN DoB 04/07/1894
Frankish, James Simpson  K 21432
Stoker 1st Class Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 21
Green, George Lewis  J 20410
Signalman Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 20
Harrington, Charles Henry  J 3799
Able Seaman Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 24
Hickling, Ernest Albert  J 9382
Able Seaman Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 23
Jenkins, Sidney Royston  M 104
Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 24
Kiddle, Albert Edward  K 11319
Stoker 1st Class Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 24
Kiely, Bartholomew  J 5381
Able Seaman Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 24
Little, John William  K 16569
Stoker 1st Class Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 25
Manning, James George  K 4616
Leading Stoker Born: 23-01-1890 Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 26
RN DoB 23/01/1890. Actual DoB 4th Qtr 1889
McCormack, Alfred  231071
Stoker 1st Class Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 28
McGregor-Robertson, Thomas Bollen Seath 
Lieutenant Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 29
Commanding Officer
McLaren, Arthur Matthew  K19059
Stoker 1st Class Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 23
Midwinter, Albert Edward  190036
Petty Officer Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 35
Mills, Harry Ernest  236743
Able Seaman Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 26
Moyes, William Ernest  J 5979
Leading Seaman Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 24
Newell, Harry Butler  224578
Able Seaman Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 31
Olden, Charles Richard Thomas  272471
Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 25
Palmer, Horace James  J1595
Leading Seaman Born: 25-11-1891 Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 25
Actual DoB 3rd Qtr 1892
Piper, Walter Edward  K 15488
Stoker 1st Class Born: 07-04-1896 Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 20
RN DoB 07/04/1894
Pote, Bertram Cecil  238217
Petty Officer Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 26
Richardson, John Reed  M 1401
Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 29
Rickards, Lionel Robert  K 2078
Leading Stoker Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 27
Ryder, Dudley William 
Lieutenant Born: 28-12-1892 Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 24
RN DoB 28/12/1882. Actual DoB 28/12/1892
Trickett, Herbert  J 19270
Leading Telegraphist Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 21
Twynam, Hugh  (RNR)
Lieutenant Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 28
Ward, Alfred Edward  238778
Able Seaman Died: 19-01-1917 Aged: 26
Died: 01-11-1918
Pearce, Herbert Clay 
Leading Signalman Died: 01-11-1918
Accidentally drowned


07-01-1915 Laid Down
16-09-1916 Launched
16-11-1916 Completed
19-01-1917 E36 and E43 left Harwich at 0730 for two patrol areas off Terschelling. A strong north easterly was blowing. At 1126 just before they left the coast, E43 signalled to E36 to proceed independently. At 1330 E36 was on the port beam but was out of sight by 1500. The sea was running fairly high and at 1850 E43, having lost her bridge screen, eased to 5 knots and turned 16 points to fit a new one.

This delay must have enabled E36 to overtake her, for at 1950 off the Haaks LV, E43 had just altered course to true north when she suddenly sighted a submarine 3 points on the port bow apparently steering east and only 50 yards off. The helm was put hard to starboard and engines full astern but E43 struck E36 aft from the stern, rode right over her and saw her vanish on the starboard quarter in the darkness. E43 went astern but nothing could be seen in the darkness and heavy sea. Nothing more was heard of E36.
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E 35 E 37